Recover keys pair on EC2

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Assume you have access to the console.
  • Power off theEC2 instance
  • Create an image (create AMI)
  • Go to AMI section (from left menu), wait status to be "completed"
  • Launch a new instance
    • Give it a name
    • Generate a new pair of keys (public will be stored on new instance and private will be downloaded)
    • attach previous or create a new security group
  • Go to EC2 section you should see old and new instances here.
  • Go to Volumes, you should see all volumes here, make sure you know exactly which of them belong to the old instance, must be deleted to avoid charges.
  • Start new instance and make sure all is good.
  • Detach from old instance (if applicable any volume and IP) and attach them to the new instance.
  • Check all you need again
  • Clean up
    • Go to AMI and delete the one you created from old instance.
    • Go to volumes and detach all volumes still attached to old instance then delete them
    • Go to EC2 and terminate old instance
You can use now the new private key.

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